<p><strong>1. What is FSA/HSA?</strong><br /> FSAs and HSAs are pre-tax medical expense accounts&nbsp;offered by employers&nbsp;which can be used for eligible health care expenses, including prescription eyewear.<br /> FSA&nbsp;is a &quot;use it or lose it&quot; program which runs January 1-December 31. The funds must be used by the end of the year or else you lose your money. Buying glasses at Firmoo is a great way to use up lingering FSA money.<br /> HSA&nbsp;funds roll over and accumulate year to year if they are not spent.&nbsp;<br /> &nbsp;</p> <strong>2. What Vision Expenses Can You Spend FSA/HSA&nbsp;Dollars On?</strong><br /> Vision care is a great way to maximize FSA/HSA pre-tax dollars. Nearly all basic optical care expenses are FSA and HSA eligible. These expenses include eye exams, prescription glasses (including prescription sunglasses), reading glasses, cleaning and repairing accessories.&nbsp;<br /> <br /> <strong>3. How to order with FSA/HSA?</strong><br /> If you have an FSA/HSA card, you can use it at checkout as you use a credit card.<br /> If you don&#39;t have an&nbsp;FSA/HSA card, simply make your purchase as you normally would, and submit your receipt to your FSA/HSA plan for reimbursement.<br /> <br /> <strong>The following are the steps about how to submit FSA claims:</strong><br /> What if you do not have a card? You can submit these expenses at any time within the term of your FSA coverage or grace period. And, you can do so right on your FSA provider&rsquo;s website.<br /> If you do not know how to access your FSA website, check with your employer or third-party FSA provider. If this is your first-time logging into an FSA website, you may need to set up an account.<br /> Once you&rsquo;ve accessed your FSA site, look for the option to submit a claim. From there, follow the steps outlined on the FSA claim page. These will vary according to your provider.<br /> Typically, you will be asked to upload a digital copy of your receipt and answer a series of questions. For example, you&rsquo;ll likely be asked to fill out some personal information along with the service or product type, your date of service or purchase, your provider&rsquo;s name, and the cost not reimbursed by your health insurance provider. Once completed, your provider will evaluate your claim and send you a reimbursement check toward all qualifying purchases.

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What is PD?

How do I read my prescription?

TABO prescription and INT prescription

Can I use the copy of my eyeglass prescription which was issued by my doctor 3 years ago?

Knowledge about Eyeglasses Prescription

Can you make glasses with strong prescription?

How to fill in the prescription with prism?

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What is eyeglasses prescription?

Can I save my prescription?

Can I use my contact lens prescription to buy my eyeglasses from you?